Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dallas Cowboys Jerseys They fight in the world of Dragon Soul

Poison, but in order to figure out how it will put on a look of poisoning, fool Lee Zico.
Zico then Lee exposed the ugly face, that he is the Central Military Commission sent to spy, the purpose is to get a the dragon core set of leadership, so as to control the dragon group and asked all the people to surrender his command of the Central Military Commission, waiting processing of the Central Military Commission dragon group henceforth will lose special status under the forces of a military districts.
However, in the production of the command of the Central Military Commission, Longxiao they found a problem with this command is not issued in the name of all the members of the Central Military Commission, using the name of one of the members of the Central Military Commission, said that he, on behalf of the Central Military Commission, under the command the beginning of the establishment of the dragon group and the government reached an agreement to dissolve or restructuring of the Dragon group, the Central Military Commission, all members must be more than 95 percent pass rate, and under the command of the Central Military Commission members must the signature. coupled Longxiao long known that members of that decree long ago dragon group ambitions dragon group attempting to become loyal to only loyal to the motherland and the people,Dallas Cowboys Jerseys, organizations and even the government can not command the organization of his own, while a dragon group command the slave Military Region, it is precisely this careerist old men in the Central Military Commission, the absolute influence of the Military District.
So Longxiao will prevent everyone's surrender, and to say which of the doubt. Zico seeing things not immediately fell out, and sudden attacks Longxiao will. This time Ye Yufeng caught off guard, not had time to stop him, will therefore be injured Then Lee Zico would like to kill other people, because if you do not surrender, the the dragon group of people must die.
Ye Yufeng identity of Lee Zico has long been suspected, he had lost control of Lee Zico do a ghost, so he in a state of intoxication cases still have to kill Lee Zico Later he blessing in disguise not only Huaxiang evoke sanity, but also the spiritual strength substantially strengthened, skill added a lot Lee Zico after the attacks Longxiao, he was anti to Lee Zico likely to massacre other lost skill people suddenly come forward, blocked Lee Zico attack.
They fight in the world of Dragon Soul, battlefield throughout the world of Dragon Soul. Perfect evolution body has a very strong attack force,fake oakley sunglasses, Dragon Soul world was always showing signs of being trampled.
After a long stalemate, Lee Zico finally lost to have been big breakthroughs Ye Yufeng, showed their escape, to flee from the world of Dragon Soul on the ground.
Not long after, the ground base missile attacks in ruins, Dragon Soul World Road leading to the ground since been blocked.
Dragon Soul World food storage, so people who survive in the post-war Ye Li are also able to survive but never been able to recover their skill. Xia Yuying exhausted all means, developed a detoxification prescription, but those prescriptions in need of medicinal herbs, only the outside world only those things that are not on the outside how marveled at the mere accumulation of Dragon Soul World of strategic materials, but can not find. wants to leave in the case without tools, we can only rely on their powerful skill to be able to dig out a way out, which has become a cycle of death, we all could do nothing but barricaded in here.
In this way

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